I am inspired by the Clarke family to help raise awareness, funds and to log miles in the virtual walk across Canada.
In 2016 my younger brother died of complications of PF and no one in the family at that time knew he had the disease except his wife. When I went to Barrier Lake near Kamloops for his celebration of life and found out he died of complications of PF, and a blood clot I knew I had PF and on my return to Halifax I told my doctor I needed a referral to a respirologist as I had PF. MY doctor had been hearing a velcro like rattle in my lungs for eight years but never figured out why. I was sick every winter from 2008 and my respirologist and a radiologist reviewed my x-rays and ct scans and determined I have had the disease since Jan., 2009. A cousin from my mother’s side has also died of complications of PF. I strongly advocate for myself and for the CPFF. In November , 2016 I started the Halifax Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group which meets monthly Sept. to June. I actively try to raise funds for the CPFF.