Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) has played a devastating role in the lives of the Clarke family. Many members of the family have been diagnosed with PF, several of whom have unfortunately passed away from the disease.
In this video Jackie Clarke shares her family’s PF journey. You’ll meet 13-year-old Rayyan Aldosary, who was diagnosed with PF when he was only 8 months old, and Abbie Clarke who pioneered the annual Clarke Walk for PF in Calgary, Alberta.
In 2015, 8-year-old Abbie Clarke held the first annual Clarke Walk for PF in Calgary to build public awareness, and raise funds for pulmonary fibrosis research. This first event was small, but over the next seven years, the scale of the walk grew significantly. This is the Clarke Family’s courageous PF journey.
We celebrate the Clarke Family and thank them for sharing their pulmonary fibrosis journeys. If you or someone you love is experiencing breathing difficulties talk to your doctor.
Register for the 2023 Clarke Walk for PF