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Breathing should never be hard work©

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idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis


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Woman with oxygen, man with cannula and oxygen tank meter

Oxygen Access
In Canada

Read the Reports

Tackle the crackle caused by pf

Real Stories

When Eileen Joyce Harvey was 58 years old, she packed up to head for Toronto with her husband Bill and their daughter to prepare for a lung transplant. As long as the risky surgery and her recovery went well, she expected to return to her home in Halifax in less than 18 months.

Eight years later, she is living in the town of Innisfil, Ontario, about 80 kilometers north of Toronto. After her single lung transplant in 2016, she still requires oxygen and needs liquid oxygen to live the life she wants. 

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conference on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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Cope & Thrive as a Care Partner

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Breathless for Change 2022,  idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Learn About PF: Pulmonary Fibrosis Patient Guide